How to Insert New Font Types in Your Mac Library

For several years now, in the world of computers, the famous Microsoft Windows has been flanked by another operating system called Mac, made by Apple, which has many differences with its rival, if so can be defined.

For those who are used to using Windows forever, there will be little difficulty in switching from Microsoft windows to Mac as it will not be easy for them to insert new font types into the library’s library. If this is a problem for you too, and you want to know how to do it in order to solve it; In this guide, you will find explanations, with simple steps, how to do it.

  • As a first step, you have to connect to the dafont site where you will find hundreds of font collections or writing styles in alphabetical order. And you can choose from categories or by simply searching through the provided text box. Once you have selected what interests you most, simply click on the ” Download ” item and then save it, then double-click it and click on the file to extract it and then run it.
  • If you have a Mac operating system equal to or higher than version 10.3, just double-click on the extracted file and in the ” Add font ” preview below. There is also a valid procedure for all versions of the operating system: simply copy the downloaded file to the Fonts folder located in the /Users/User name/Library/Fonts path, but you should know which font is available. Only for a specific user profile.
  • If instead I want to install a higher font number, you do not have to click on the ” Add font ” button but on the magnifying glass icon and then type in the ” Font Book ” keyword in the text box. Once the program is open you will see three columns: the first one is called ” Collection “, the second ” Font ” and the third contains the character preview. Then select the fonts you’ve downloaded and drag them into the second column. You have to remember that this website provides fonts not only for Mac but also for other operating systems. In addition, there is a section called ” Recently Added Fonts ” in which the new fonts created and ready for download are regularly displayed. All done, we’re done.

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