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10 Things to Know about Google Project Ara

Google Project Ara

Google is working on dozens of projects, very interesting, but Ara Project is surely destined to revolutionize the smartphone industry.

The Mountain View company aims to build the first smartphone modular, that is highly customizable by the user. This project is born from a ” rib Motorola, ” not entirely sold to Lenovo. The modules are Google intends to produce batteries, radio modules, displays, and much more.

With this article, we are going to investigate the matter Ara Project, 10 giving you information that you cannot possibly know.

1.) Availability: This modular smartphone is still in the early stages of development, but could be on the market at the beginning of 2015.

2.) Cost: Google hopes to bring to market an entry-level version to be sold at $ 50 (skeleton) and a top version for sale at 500 dollars.

3.) Size: Google showed developers as a device that size does not differ much from the various iPhone and Galaxy S5. In design, there is also a larger model, in line with the size of the notes from Samsung.

4.) Modules: the various components of the device will be attached to the skeleton of the phone via electro magnets. When the magnets are affected by an electrical impulse will create a solid link between the skeleton and the module. When will be hit with a pulse ” Off “, the magnets melt the bond to allow the replacement of the module? The magnets do not need a constant charge to maintain a link.

5.) Purchasing modules: Google will open an e-commerce website that will work alongside the Play Store. Just as today we buy an app, we will be able to purchase modules to be added to our device.

6.) Upgrading Android: Android currently does not support a modular system, but will be updated to support it, with a release date scheduled for the beginning of 2015.

7.) Prototype: a pre-production prototype will be shown in september this year. The current prototype sported by Google is not in the system of electro magnets. It uses the clip to hold the modules in place.

8.) Modules can have multiple functions: a module may support more features. A display module could also be a small battery, to compensate for the energy consumption of the screen.

9.) Advantages: mobile Ara Project will have an average of five or six years. They will last so much longer than the current smartphones. Instead of upgrading your phone every two years, you will just have to buy new modules. Also, when you break a given component, such as the screen, simply buy and replace only that module.

10.) Why developers will love it: through the modular system, developers will be able to create devices that will connect directly to your smartphone, without thinking about so many other aspects, such as a design example. It almost certainly will form a market of users ready to customize their phones with any new developers are able to design.

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