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Android 11: When will the new operating system arrive and for whom? The official roadmap.

Android 11

Google released yesterday the first Developer Preview of Android 11, which is the new operating system of the green robot that the company plans to release during the next autumn 2020. A new update that is already available to all those who are today in possession of a Pixel 4 or 4XL but also Pixel 3, Pixel 3XL, Pixel 3a, Pixel 3a XL or even Pixel 2 and 2 XL.

Many news that the company has decided to introduce in this new Android 11. News that concerns the best support for the new 5G network coming in the next few months and already active on many smartphones.

Not only because there is a reference to folding devices that have become a reality and that in all probabilities will see an important development in this 2020. Not only because it also speaks of Machine Learning and clearly of Privacy, design, and connection with people.

Android 11: That’s when it comes for everyone

Android 11 is a reality, and for those who want to try it, Google has just released the code that can be ” flashed ” on its supported Pixel. There is clear talk of the first Developer Preview or a first real Beta of the new operating system which cannot guarantee stability; on the contrary, the company itself declares that this first taste of Android 11 is still unripe.

As it has always happened with Android updates for some time, also for Android 11, Google has released the usual roadmap, i.e., the precise times according to which the developer engineers will release the Developer Preview in various steps.

One every month with three Developer Preview coming in March and April (including this before February). So a first public Beta that will be released during May and then arrive in June with a more stable version and the official release of Android 11 for Q3. Specifically, here are the dates:

Here to download Android 11 for supported Pixels.

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