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Android is as secure as iOS, according to Google

Android Secure

Google has just published the annual report on the security of Android, which this year has a total of 56 pages. The document states that machine learning plays a very important role also in offering security to the terminals of the green robot, in combination with the Google Play Protect initiative announced last May that represents the whole series of security services owners present on Android. Machine learning was responsible for the discovery of 60.3% of apps with malware on the Play Store, and its incidence is likely to increase over time.

Android has always been perceived as an operating system less secure than iOS, given its open nature and its huge user base that has attracted many cybercriminals in the hope of making easy money.

However, according to the numbers released by Google, the risk of incurring a malicious app on the official store is very low: in 2016, it was 0.04%, while in 2017 it was halved to 0.02%. For Google, the challenge remains to push users to upgrade to the latest version of Android: and with two billion, active devices is not easy.

With the latest version you get the latest security features, and solving the ” fragmentation ” becomes increasingly essential to improve the numbers: ” In 2017, we have increased the number of Android devices that have received security patches of more than 30 % “, reads the report. This still remains a problem for Google, but it is clear that the company is trying to improve the situation and make visible progress. According to the report, the company is satisfied with the progress made during the year, and underlined it was David Kleidermacher.

Based on what he revealed to CNET, the security officer on Android claims that Android is safe at the same level of the competition thanks to the progress made. Google invests in hunting for bugs in the software and since, it is an open-source project, it has an active community that seeks to find flaws and issue specific patches.

The team behind Android’s security believes it has achieved such efficiency that it can compare the security of Android to a comparable OS, but of a closed nature, as can be considered iOS.

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