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App for Android devices on Windows 10 here is the plan B of Microsoft

Microsoft is still being considered the possibility to integrate Windows 10 and Windows Phone emulator for Android app to reduce the so-called ” app gap “. It is a last resort, but Microsoft is still considering the implementation of an emulator for Windows 10 applications developed for Android devices. Reporting the news is one of the most reliable sources of the Windows world, Mary Jo Foley of ZDNet, citing anonymous sources informed about the facts.

This is an extreme move to reduce the so-called ” app gap ” that will be applied only after having tried to remedy in other ways. While Windows is the operating system desktop world’s most used, the other Microsoft fails to take advantage of his popularity to gain advantage on the smartphone market. Windows Phone is unable to counter the competitive platforms in terms of numbers, and one of the main reasons is related to the park compatible applications not in line with the App Store and Google Play.

The goal of Microsoft Windows 10 is to reduce the disadvantage of the platform at the front of the app, and the strategy applied so far is very clear: the company is trying to offer developers a way to easily create software that is compatible with the environment at the same time desktop and mobile one, in order to attract the experts on this platform.

Plan A, according to Mary Jo Foley, is to move towards a model of universal app. But the controversial alleged Plan B to allow applications to run Android on Windows 10 is still under consideration by Microsoft if the first proves ineffective. It is a choice that has already met a large crowd of adverse exponents, with reasons obvious.

In this way, Microsoft could seriously affect the enthusiasm of the developers who are trying to get closer to the platform. This is the message of Rudy Huyn, who on Reddit writes: ” If Microsoft brings Android apps on Windows devices, no one (except the most fervent supporters) would continue to program native applications, but only app for Android, ” are the words of the developer.

Moreover, the situation is tricky: Microsoft fails to generate interest on its mobile products in key markets, and the alleged emulator could be like a double-edged sword: ” As a result, we would have an experience of use of low-level and low performance “, continues Huyn. ” In addition, if a user could choose between a Android smartphone real and only one able to emulate the app, the choice would be very simple. “

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