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Available Firefox 35 with Firefox Hello for audio and video communications from the browser

With Firefox Hello, you can activate an audio and video connection between two terminals using the standard WebRTC. It is not necessary to register new accounts to take advantage of the service, or install software. Mozilla Foundation has released a few hours a new stable version of Firefox. The development of the browser is now at version 35, in particular port on the user desktop functionality Firefox Hello. It is a new way to communicate and a new solution useful for creating an audio and video connection between two PCs.

With Firefox Hello no need to install a dedicated client or own an account. Clicking on the Start command Conversation will generate a unique link through which our party will communicate with us: just then send the link to our contact with a common email and once remote connection will be opened will be established and the real right channel audio and video.

Firefox Hello available now in Firefox 35 uses the standard WebRTC and can be used on all Web browsers that provide support to those technologies. It is not necessary that both users in connection have Firefox installed on your system.

At present, the integration in Firefox 35 it seems only the beginning, is definitely room for improvement, and we will be in the future rapid changes. The creation of the link, the sharing of that element and the next steps that are connected in the future  will offer you to optimizations and improvements.


With Firefox 35 is also presented Firefox Share, a tool that can simplify and centralize sharing links on social networks. A final change concerns Firefox Marketplace Beta, which can now be used to offer a test on the web app usable on Windows, Mac or Linux. All the details about this news are available on the official blog of Firefox.

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