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Battlefield 4 – Review


Tombstone! Once again, we come to one of the most anticipated by fans of the shooter wars: the usual battle between Call Of Duty and Battlefield, a challenge heightened even more by the period in which we find ourselves, which is to build step. As expected then the new titles DICE and Infinity Ward have been produced for both generations of consoles.

In the case of Battlefield 4, the now old-gen was not exactly forgiving. Once again, we find ourselves in the middle of a firefight on a global scale that sees opposing the U.S. and China.

We Sergeant Recker, head of the team of the Marine Tombstone, which soon will have a central role in the events of the war (what a surprise, right?). Avoiding further insights into what is the most classic and banal of plots, we can say that DICE have recovered slightly after the flop phenomenal campaign in the previous chapter, if it was possible to do worse.

Despite not yet reach levels sufficiently, the greater variety of situations, but still present a very limited freedom of action (we sometimes take a hand in our choice of certain vehicles) and the lack of sessions atrocious as that of flight in Battlefield 3 fails to be digestible make the single player component of the title. Ah yes, thank goodness our gaming sessions will no longer be affected by the extraordinary number of bugs that were paying Battlefield 3.

The guys at DICE have also tried to give a thickness to the protagonists of the story, failing miserably as they are the classic Hollywood stereotypes: the sullen, the young man a little witty and woman balances ideals. A failure even more marked when our game experience should lead us, at the end of 5 hours of a campaign, to a final choice (theoretically) suffered, resulting in obtaining one of the final three.

You still have to wonder how it is possible to be fallen so low after the good has been done in Battlefield: Bad Company 1. Anyway everything was predictable because, as usual, the main attraction is the online. Unfortunately, as we anticipated, the old gen does not own the land it is better to play on the new title DICE.

Battles maimed for everyone.

Before you even go into the multi-player component is necessary to take a step back and discuss a secondary element generally: the technical sector. As expected, the generational difference is absolutely obvious, given that on PC, PS4 and Xbox ONE – Battlefield 4 can propose glimpses Motivational and, in general, a very high definition.

It is difficult to digest the bad graphics optimization on old Jan, to the point that the predecessor appeared more visually satisfying. Venturing into the online mode you remain stunned in front of low res textures that are loaded with difficulty, pop up impressive and a general resolution tiring sometimes so low as to render the correct view of enemies and structures.

Sure there are cases apart as the map ” Storm Parsec ” who can defend themselves very well, but the overall level is really poor for a game to be released at the end of the generation.

Impeccable instead the audio industry that, despite traces uninspired, keeps faith with a sampling of sounds and explosions of the highest level. Having said that you go to bigger cut of the PS3 version and Xbox ONE: the number of players.

This unfortunately was a limit somewhat predictable, but the light of a comparison with the next gen must necessarily be highlighted, since the difference between 64 and 24 players in the game is felt.

The maps are clearly built to accommodate a large number of players, and in some cases we will see how bleak scenario’s immense plains crossed by some vehicle and some foot soldiers, categorically eliminated by snipers.

” You have my rifle! ” ” And my rocket launcher ” ” And my air-traffic control! “

Turning now to the analysis at its true, we can highlight the work carried out essentially as Battlefield 4 was mainly to improve some aspects of the franchise without changing the base. As always, the two opposing teams are divided into more teams (this time with 5 players instead of 4), so as to encourage team play, especially if you play with friends.

The classes have remained the same: Assault, which can act as a doctor, Support with ammo to be granted to the team, the Engineer, repair and destroyer of vehicles, and finally, the Scout, which is the sniper.

But what will please fan of the historical saga is the return of class Commander (unlocked at level 10), which is the location of command, from which we can give orders to the players and launch missile attacks or supplies. Complete, as a soldier, a goal of the commander will allow us to get passive bonuses by filling a bar.

And when it comes to missile attacks, we cannot mention the evolution, or the ability to systematically destroy elements of the scenario by changing the playability of the same. As obvious to expect, witness the collapse of the huge skyscraper in Shanghai on PS3 and Xbox 360 is certainly not a looker, but the effects are still substantial, such as the possibility, in the scenario ” Flooded Area “, to flood the whole environment, forcing him to fall back on the roofs of buildings. These changes are very successful in certain maps, much less in others, but give salt to match.

The latest addition is that of the counter-knifing, or the ability to fight a melee attack through a difficult Quick Time Event. Element where the brand has never disappointed the huge arsenal is available: dozens of guns, variously customizable both in terms of aesthetic and, above all, the ” technical “, mounting new sights or handles. To these are added the omnipresence of vehicles, we can in turn improve heat mounting missiles for tanks or a camouflage system for helicopters to rockets.

New ways to get us out in friendship.

As part of the E-Sports DICE have decided to expand the number of modes with new, dedicated teams more often. If it was unthinkable to create a squad of 32 players to participate in massive pitched battles in an official competition, the methods Annihilation, Domination and defusing change the overall picture.

While the second is a variation scale of the Conquest, the other two approaches offer much more reasoned and calm, as long as you coordinate with your team. Annihilation involves the placement of a bomb at strategic points (2 per team) while defusing takes the concept of ” Search and Destroy ” of Call Of Duty, eliminating the number of res pawns, and entrusting to one of only two teams to place the bomb. Before concluding, finally, a demerit to be made to the hit box, often inaccurate, forcing us to grind whole magazine to kill a single enemy.

Welcome to the old-gen.

If you own a PC performance or you are planning to switch to next gen Battlefield 4 on PS3 and Xbox 360 is a purchase absolutely not recommended. The limits graphics, but especially those related to the multi-player segment, are heavy and sharply lowering the quality general title that, despite proposing a campaign milder than usual, as always manages to defend itself vigorously in terms of online gaming.

Nevertheless, do not misunderstand what was said, as the substance of the game DICE (multi-player of course) remains as always on quality levels well beyond sufficiency, are simply no longer adaptable to the old-gen.

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