Wisely Guide

How to disable the Restore feature on OS X Lion

The ” reset ” of OS X Lion can be useful for those who want to close an application and, once opened, to find again open any windows that you were using, so you pick up right where you had left.

Very often, it is a cause of discomfort for those who see open old projects in heavy-duty applications, such as iMovie, that, in case you have no need to resume use, make the very slow application restart. In this guide, so we’ll see how to disable the Restore feature on OS X Lion.

defaults write (ApplicationName) NSQuitAlwaysKeepsWindows bool false

and replace the field “(ApplicationName)” with the name of the folder on the application, we have previously found in Saved Application State folder, without the extension. ” savedState

So for example if we want to disable the feature for the application Photoshop, which folder is called ” com. Adobe. Photoshop. SavedState ” we will have to write in terminal:

defaults write com. Adobe.Photoshop NSQuitAlwaysKeepsWindows -bool false

and press enter.

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