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French television station attacked by hackers because they would reveal their passwords


Computer hackers acting on behalf of the Isis have obscured the French broadcaster TV5Monde. But the account passwords TV5Monde appeared on TV.

The French authorities are investigating hackers on the attack to the TV5MONDE French television station, obscured for several hours yesterday after an attack whose responsibility seems to fall on the Islamic state. Besides the inability to reach television channels of the issuer, the site of TV5MONDE remained down for several hours, while the social profiles of the issuer appeared messages of dubious origin. It seems that hackers have used a much simpler method than originally supposed by investigators.

During an interview with the French news program 13 Heures, the journalist David TV5MONDE Delos would inadvertently be revealed at least one password for social media profiles issuer. This is because it was filmed with behind a wall full of post-it, with some passwords for accounts then violated.

The movie reveals the passwords for account’s Twitter, Instagram and YouTube to TV5MONDE. One of these would be even ” lemotdepassedeyoutube ” , or ” lapassworddiyoutube “.

Hackers have used the channels of social TV5Monde to disseminate messages and slogans jihadists. An incident that reveals that security is a problem not only the protection of computer networks, but also the level of attention placed by individual users in identifying passwords really consistent, as well as in protecting them.

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