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Google against revenge porn: images and content deleted from searches

With a procedure extremely restricted to cases in question, Google has declared war on the so-called practice of ” revenge porn “, or sexually explicit content published without the knowledge of one of the protagonists.

Google has finally taken a tough position against the so-called ” revenge porn “, name that refers to a sexually explicit content often published without the knowledge of one of the protagonists. In a blog post published at the weekend, the company announced that it will accept requests to delete images or video by persons who prove to be the victims of its oppression digital.

” The images of this type are intensely personal and damaging from an emotional standpoint, and only serve to denigrate the victims, predominantly women, ” writes the company. Google naturally cannot delete this content from the web, but as its engine of research a central part of Internet browsing, editing will likely have a major impact in the category of content.

A change of some importance because, as pointed out by Google, it is a policy ” restricted ” that now practice only on certain types of extremely sensitive content, such as in the past was done with content bank and signatures. A policy that goes against the same ” philosophy ” of Google, whose search engine is intended as a means to offer all content that can be found on the Big Network.

Remains still difficult to remove the content and prosecute those who publish them even if the courts of the various countries of the world are mobilizing with laws ad-hoc: ” We know that this will not solve the problem. We can not remove files and images from various sites web, but we hope that it will help in some way to honor the requests of the people involved eliminating their images from our search results, ” he concluded now.

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