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Google Chrome 34 Released for Windows, OS X and Linux

google chrome 34

Google today released version 34 of Chrome for Windows, Mac and Linux. The new version has important news for users of the browser, go to upgrades that improve performance, load times and user management. Version 34 has a new support for responsive images, a non-prefixed version of the Web Audio API and importing users supervised by other devices.

Among the updates included in this release, Google introduced the attribute srcset that allows web developers the ability to make available to you an optimized image in various resolutions with the aim to speed up the loading time of the pages and eliminating the possibility of a view with an incorrect format. The images will be responsive formatted automatically for any device, whether it be a desktop, laptop, tablet, phone or TV.

The other interesting new features in Google Chrome 34 include the ability to import users from other devices, defined supervised. This type of users are provided with well-defined permissions, as for example in the case of children and will be able to synchronize automatically with all devices. In addition to the new Web Audio API Google also inserts a new look for your version of Windows 8 Metro and a number of upgrades to improve the functioning of the entire browser.

Chrome 34 also includes several fixes and improvements and better integration with Windows 8 also updated to Flash Player For Chromium (the open source version of Chrome) are removed support for the Adobe Flash Player plugin, the choice made by Google to make sure the browser as the main cause of the crash was due to third party plugins. Chromium supports 34 Pepper Flash Player plugin included in Google Chrome that can be easily installed in Ubuntu and derived from the PPA.

Here is what has changed in Google Chrome version 34:

To update, just use the built-in internal browser, or download it directly from google.com/chrome.

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