Wisely Guide

Google Chrome version 39 is available in 64-bit for Mac


Google has released Chrome 39, 64-bit version of the browser for OS X. improvement in terms of safety and performance; also decreases the use of RAM total required.

In August of this year, after versone for Windows, Google launched the beta version of Chrome 64-bit for Mac. After several months of testing, Google has now released Chrome 39stable ” for the 64-bit browser OS X.

As already explained above, the 64-bit version offers improvements in terms of safety and performance in addition to decreasing the use of RAM memory altogether necessary. Among the improvements, including those relating to the security mechanism called Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR), which should prevent hackers from accessing memory locations known. In contrast the 64-bit support will require recompilation of some plug-ins from third parties.

Not all Intel-based Macs support the 64-bit: the very first generation of Mac with Intel CPU cannot run this version. Users of this, Google may want to stick with the latest stable version of the browser supported by their computers.

In addition to supporting the 64-bit version of Chrome 39 includes new APIs for app support, and general improvements in performance and stability. They were built 42 security fixes for multiple vulnerabilities, result 1500 prize money that the developers have given to those who reported bugs.

Chrome 39 requires OS X 10.6.x top quality and can be downloaded from the website on the browser (the update should be available soon as well as automatic update for those who have already installed the version 38).

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