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Google Maps, coming a chance to save the parking timer for the meter

The version of Google Maps for Android will be completed with a new feature that will allow you to save the place where we parked, complete with a timer for the meter.

Google Maps owes its popularity not only to the reliability of its indications, but also to a range of goodies that probably we use without even realizing it. Among the more obvious the traffic signaling, traffic jams or accidents along the way, but even small details on public places or possible target destinations make the user experience the best app possible. Among these features, it will add soon a new, first spotted by Android Police.

We talk about the ability to manually add the place where we parked within the application, complete with a timer that will remind us of the expiry of the parking meter. The feature is already on the beta version of Google Maps v9.49, which could debut in the next few days in public channels, where the latest release is – today – 9.48.2. The location within the park is one of the features of Google Now, but the two are not completely identical.

The Google itself claims that this feature of Google Now is not 100% reliable, and in many circumstances can fail in its attempt to show the parking spot. Google Now relies on sensors and picked up information from your smartphone, so it cannot distinguish the car parked by a tram stop or, even more difficult, as a taxi ride. In all these cases it will tell you that you parked where you left the public means and will not be very useful.

Being entirely manual, the feature of Google Maps is rather reliable in virtually all circumstances. You can also enter notes for the place of parking, for example, the field of a public park or environmental photography. In addition, even more interesting for the forgetful, the function integrates a configurable timer to remind you how long paid parking, or how long you can stop at that particular point.

The timer will be shown not only on the screen, but also within the maps at the point where the car was left. It is a feature no doubt very useful for those who live in large urban areas and often runs in the car, a small detail that can help us avoid fines certainly not desired. Google has not yet formally announced the functionality nor the arrival of Google Maps for iOS, but is likely to be a matter of days.

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