Wisely Guide

How to block sites not suitable for minors

Security Shield

Without a shadow of a doubt, when we talk about the Internet, we can only agree that it is a great technological development and a great step towards a world of knowledge. Unfortunately, we must not forget that there are many types of sites on the web: some are really useful and provide news; others, on the other hand, are not very conventional, especially for minors.

Needed : Install on the computer where our children are blocking filters to unsafe sites.

One of the main concerns of parents, when their child surfs the Internet, is that they could run into (even if unintentionally) unsafe and unsuitable sites for the child. To better understand the concept, we must think of the Internet as a highway, on which both news for adults and children can travel and news that is not suitable for a public made up of minors.

To avoid such a problem, it is sufficient to take a few steps, on the part of the parents, so as to block the navigation towards these inadequate sites.

First, with the computer, let’s connect to the FAMILY SAFETY WEB site and perform free registration. Of course, as for all other sites, we will provide you with a password and a username to use to perform the regular login (access).

Once we have logged in, we should click on ” Change Settings ” by typing in the name of the child to whom you want to set the blocking filter. Then, by clicking on ” Web Filter ” select the word ” Web Filter Ability ” and then move the cursor to the type of filter we would like to set.

As we could see, the restriction scale is so positioned: at the top, the most restrictive in absolute terms and at the bottom the one with the most bland restrictions.

To continue with the locking operation, it is necessary to click on ” Only allow list “. In this way, our children will have access to sites added by parents in the appropriate allow list. We continue by selecting ” Child-friendly ” so that our little ones will have access to sites added to the list or to sites appropriate for their age. Using this method, we can block surfing on Social Networks, on Chat sites and, lastly, on all email services on the web.

Now, we select ” General Interest ” so that we can give access to the sites provided in the list, as well as to those that are of particular interest to children and those of a general nature. Once we have checked this option, all adult sites, social networks and chats will be blocked.

We can also select an item by clicking on ” Notify in case of Adult content “, in this way, the children will have greater access to the Internet, but if they happen on a site that contains material only for adults, the parents will immediately be informed through a special screen.

By choosing this mode, the blocked sites will not be accessible to our children. With just a few steps we have made sure that our children can navigate, without any problem, in that infinite world called the web, making sure that the navigation is as safe as possible.

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