Wisely Guide

How to clean a laptop

With this guide, with a few simple steps, you will succeed to clean and shine your notebook! Your laptop does not require cleaning only within, by deleting unnecessary files from the hard disk, but also outside, essentially the keyboard, mouse and screen.

Often it is the dust in the various components of the PC to cause overheating of your notebook and overheating can lead to breakage of some computer components. If you want to avoid anything follow this guide and your computer will return again and shining!

Requirement : Electrostatic microfiber cloth, Compressed Air, Cleaning Screen Product

1.) First, go to a computer store and buy both the compressed air for cleaning the keyboard is a product for cleaning LCD screens. Now that you have everything you need, you must disconnect both power the battery from your notebook. Once this is done, take a cloth or electrostatic cloth ones that are used to clean the glasses. Now sprinkle a bit of the product purchased on the PC screen and clean thoroughly with the cloth. You will see that your screen will perfectly clean and dust-free! One can also use a electrostatic microfiber cloth or without the addition of any other product, to obtain an equally good result. The LCD screen of the portable screen is a very fragile and delicate, so do the cleaning very slowly and carefully to avoid causing any damage.

2.) Now go to the keyboard and the fans of the laptop. Take the air previously purchased and sprinkle keeping the can upright (otherwise come out of the liquid that will damage your PC) and into the fissures of the keyboard and is under your laptop, where you see the cracks where inside you find the cooling fans. Obviously, if you do not understand how to use this product, you will find the step by step instructions on the package you have purchased. To clean the fans, you can also use a cotton swab to remove the dust in them.

3.) Now you leave your PC clean just about ten minutes and then turn it off. You’ll notice that even the cooling fans will blend, during normal operation, much less than before. I recommend doing this procedure at least once a month in order to keep your PC clean.

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