Wisely Guide

How to compress a folder on Mac


Mac are particularly useful in the graphics industry, for video editing and in any work environment. When a good number of files and old documents take up too much space on your Mac, you should compress them. This frees up some space. The objective of this tutorial is to give some useful tips and correct information on how to compress a folder on Mac.

Open Finder

The first thing to do is to open the Finder window. This is done by simply selecting the Finder icon. The latter is located on the dock of your Mac. It is a blue icon that has a square shape; it represents a stylized way. After the Finder window opens, you need to navigate until you find the files you want to compress. If you decide to compress, in one operation, many files stored in different destinations, it is essential to create a new folder. This way, you can move all the data to be compressed.

Select files

You can select a specific set of files, starting with a larger list. Simply hold down the ” Command ” key and select each file with the mouse. After all the files to be compressed to have been identified, select them using the right mouse button. If the mouse has only one button, you must do this by holding down the ” Ctrl ” key. You should know that when you want to compress an entire folder, you must use the right mouse button.

Compress the data

From the contextual menu that appears, select ” Collapse ” (file name or folder). You can also choose ” Collapse elements “, depending on the objects you need to compress. Next, wait until the compression process is complete.

Logically, the total time varies in relation to the number of files that must be compressed. This can take up to several minutes. The name of the compressed file remains the same as the original one. Compression of a multiple selection of files creates a ” Zip archive “. Moreover, compressed files take up 10% less than the original ones.

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