Wisely Guide

How to find a bug on a website


Until a few years ago, computer experts enjoyed hacking websites found on search engines. What has frightened the police post and, in general, international security systems, is the risk that a hacker represents for the security of the planet?

If in some cases they are simply curious or bored kids looking for an alternative way to have fun, in other cases, they are real spies, looking for secrets of State to be resold or information that violates the privacy of people involved.

For this reason, you should always pay close attention to the sites, you visit and if you find bugs, it is good to report them, to avoid being victims of identity theft or other problems.

In this guide, it is possible to understand how to find a bug on a website and how to proceed in these cases, we will explain how to do it through a few simple and clear steps. Let’s work.

A first way to understand if the site on which you are browsing can be hacked is to try to go back to the SQL database. It is a language used for the creation of websites but constantly updated, precisely to prevent those who are not authorized to access the settings and modify the site as they like.

However, understanding the type of SQL used to create the site is not straightforward and, for this reason, this turns out to be a valid method only if the site you are visiting has a particularly fragile link.

To understand when a link can be called fragile, just look at the structure. Sites that present links like https://sqlity.net/en/topic/series/fragile-tests/ are written with a particularly fragile SQL and can be hacked in a fairly simple way by web attackers. It is advisable to avoid sites of this type, because their information is not safe.

Another method to understand if the site you are using has been hacked is to try to understand if access is particularly slow or if it is a known site, to see if the loading times are slower than the previous visit. If the answer is yes, the site has most likely received a DDoS hacker attack. In this type of attack, the hacker tried to crash the system, overloading it with numerous requests from fictitious users.

Again, the domain owner should constantly update the language used for writing the site. Finding a bug in a site requires some computer skills to make some necessary steps and operations. By following the instructions in this guide you will be able to carry them out more easily and without too much effort, thus solving the problem as soon as possible. All that remains for me is to wish good work and good luck.

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