Wisely Guide

How to place WiFi Router

To be able to get a stable connection, it is essential to place the WiFi router in an easily reachable from the airwaves.

Recall that the router is the equipment deputy to receive the signal transmitted from the computer and then convert it and enter it on the Internet. A connection ” weak ” or not sufficiently effective, very slow data transmission and will not guarantee a secure and stable. We see, how to place a WiFi router in the best way.

1.) It is important to consider that the signal transmission takes place via radio frequencies, very similar to those used by other devices, such as transmitters of TV signal, some remote controls or even the microwave. Place a router in the immediate vicinity of other electrical devices may affect the transmission due to the interference produced. It is not necessary that the appliances are operating. The simple connection to the electrical outlet makes them potentially ” emitters ” of disturbing frequencies.

2.) Another problem of the router is given by absorption of radio waves, caused by the presence of certain objects and materials. The iron and water, especially the so-called objects ” wet ” (as aquariums or large potted plants) can absorb some of the radio signal, reducing the power of the router. Even the paper has this power: thus avoid placing the unit near libraries, especially if very large. As regards the iron should remember that it is used in housing the cement ” armed ” that contains large amounts of metal. The Wi-fi has no problem through walls, but in front of the pilasters of concrete will meet strong resistance, which will decrease the signal.

3.) The best way to facilitate the way of radio waves and obtain a good transmission, is to position the router at the top, near the ceiling, to avoid the encounter with any obstacles. A router may be placed between two large wooden furniture (containing books), or down, directly at the phone jack, cannot perform their job very well because of misplacement and the strong absorption caused by the material. If the router is used by multiple devices, we try to place it at a point equidistant from all computers, to ensure that each device receives a signal of the same quality and intensity.

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