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Microsoft Edge faster than IE, Chrome and Firefox with JavaScript

Microsoft Edge

Microsoft has released some technical information about the enhancements made in Java rendering engine. The improvements compared to IE are sensitive.

Windows 10 is not yet finalized and the development proceeds at full speed with the continuous release of new beta versions that Microsoft gives fed to the so-called Insider. The company has published a technical post on the official blog explaining optimizations performed on Edge to improve performance in the execution of JavaScript and shows the results obtained to date, only a few months since the release of the final version of the operating system.

To improve the Microsoft Edge performance of Engine JavaScript, Chakra, Microsoft has scrutinized the code for about 4,000 of the most famous sites of the web and found that a vast majority (95%) uses ” minified code “, ie a technique for compressing the original code to make it as light as possible: ” The use of minified code is extremely popular on the web today, and one of the most used techniques is UglifyJS ” writes the company.

Precisely for this reason, Windows 10 and Edge introduce devices to optimize performance with this type of code to make fast as much as the code is not compressed, ” or even faster. ” Thanks to changes made ad-hoc, Microsoft claims that the performance of Microsoft Edge have improved from 20 to 50% with all of the sites that make use of the technique UglifyJS to compress the JavaScript code. To test the quality of the optimizations, Microsoft has published some results of some benchmark.

Microsoft Edge has been compared to IE11 and the latest pre-release versions of Chrome and Firefox, with Octane 2.0 and Jet Stream, respectively Google and Apple. Compared to the previous browser Redmond the advantages are enormous especially with Octane 2.0, in which the new browser makes record more than double points. Edge is also faster than Chrome and Firefox, they show that scores significantly aligned.

The situation is very similar with Jet Stream, in which Edge is considerably faster than IE 11 and even surpasses Chrome and Firefox. It is no coincidence that the benchmarks have been chosen from those developed from direct competition: Microsoft wanted to demonstrate the fact the goodness of their JavaScript engine on a totally impartial and objective results.

“Although it’s a nice feeling to win on a benchmark not created by us, what we want to show is that Edge is already significantly higher than IE 11 in performance of JavaScript benchmarks that the actual sites of the web,” said Microsoft finally Post. ” As we mentioned in the early stages of development, the pursuit of performance improvement is endless, and we will continue to push those boundaries on the JavaScript engine of Microsoft Edge “.

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