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Mozilla presents the new logos of Firefox and other services

Firefox New Logo

Mozilla has officially announced a new stylistic characterization for the logos of its services which, for the first time, also include a symbol that represents them as a product family. We have a generic Firefox logo, and then several icons that specifically indicate the various software: Firefox Browser, Firefox Send, Firefox Monitor and Firefox Lockwise. All share the same color palette.

The new rebranding work comes about a year after the explicit request to users regarding the direction to be taken with regard to the unified design of its services. In fact, in the new brand not only, logos are involved, but also the same color palette that will be used massively within the various software. All to achieve a modern aesthetic appearance and emphasize accessibility and openness to all types of users.

Mozilla is no longer just the company behind a browser, and has felt the need to evolve the brand because of the greater reach it wants to achieve with its software and services to the public. Among these, we have a file sharing service protected by encryption, a password manager and more will come in the future. The company has emphasized how the new brand will serve the purpose of expanding the company itself.

With the new color palette, for example, it will be easier to adapt the brand to new products of new categories that should arrive in the near future. For the trial, Mozilla has requested the community’s help since the beginning, and is still open to any suggestions from the public to improve the work further.

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