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Netflix is ​​killing online Piracy

New figures published by the company are extremely positive and show an increase in traffic at the expense of BitTorrent and HTTP protocols

Netflix might be the executioner of many services. First and foremost, pay TV, which takes much less sense with an online service as follows: on the one hand, it is not the only video-streaming service, the other is the most popular internationally and also driving the growth of the other platforms. But in addition to defeat the pay TV, pace of the television providers, it seems to be scaling and reducing piracy also on the web, by encouraging reflection of the same above suppliers.

In recent days, Netflix revealed the financial details of the last quarter of last year, which were for many very positive ways. The growth was higher than expected, and financially we can say that the expectations of analysts and investors were accepted. The company also provided statistical data showing that the service is the most active on the web with regard to the traffic generated, and had the ability to beat not only direct competitors like Amazon Video, iTunes, Hulu, but also YouTube.


But the most interesting part of the research is probably that related to BitTorrent voice. The company has also analyzed the traffic of the file sharing service in peer-to-peer, used mostly for the illegal downloading of works protected by copyright. As a result, BitTorrent has fallen drastically in the five years that Netflix has taken the field, at least according to data released by Sandvine in the name of the video-streaming companies. One thing that makes you happy Netflix, but that undoubtedly appreciate all the work and content providers.

” We compete with all the activities with which they can engage consumers in their spare time,” said the company in a statement addressed to investors. Such as reading books, watching traditional TV, going to the movies or play video games. Given the wide range of options are proud that our members around the world continue to spend more and more time in Netflix, carrying 42.5 billion hours of streaming in 2015, up from 29 billion in 2014.

The Sandvine data used by Netflix show that the share of the service in terms of peak traffic in North America have reached 37% in 2015. The year before Netflix stopped at 35% in 2010 to 21%. Reflecting BitTorrent showed the opposite trend, with traffic fell from 8% in 2010 to a much more undernourished 3% in the last year: ” As we said earlier, the Internet TV will probably have many winners since the various services are not accurate alternatives from competitors and offer exclusive content, ” adds the company.

” A detailed analysis of the Sandvine data it turns out that the entire category Mr Ott (Over-The-Top) is growing thanks to consumers who are increasingly turning to the Internet to the TV and on-demand viewing, but, even better, this growth has come the costs of piracy. ” Many people think that piracy has been often fertile ground because of the lack of paid services can counteract those offenses in terms of quality and, especially, of the amount.

Netflix does not offer the same catalog of certain torrent trackers. It is true, however, is probably the most attentive service to quality, and is one of the outstanding demonstrations of the fact that users are willing to pay for streaming content, and piracy can be defeated with the right methods and not only by dint of virtual beatings.

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