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Oracle announces VirtualBox 6.0 with a new graphical interface and many other new features


VirtualBox 6.0 is the latest stable version officially released by Oracle of the well-known virtualization software and sees a considerable amount of changes compared to the previous version. The final version comes almost two months after the release of the public beta.

The first change is that of the graphical interface, which is now easier to create new applications and virtual machines. VirtualBox 6.0 also allows you to export your virtual machines directly to Oracle Cloud, in a concentration towards the cloud that is increasingly part of Oracle’s strategy.

In addition, a file manager is introduced to manage file transfer between the host machine and the host machine in a simpler way than in the past. Regarding file sharing, the functionality of shared folders on OS/2 is now supported.

Improvements are also present in the support for recording audio and video in guest machines, as well as supporting HiDPI interfaces and managing audio. Windows guest machines can rely on completely revised 3D graphics support, while host Windows machines can use Hyper-V as a makeshift execution engine.

In the case of guest machines running Linux, the VMSVGA graphics driver is used by default, emulating the VMWare SVGA II graphics adapter. Support is also provided up to kernel version 4.20.

You can download VirtualBox 6.0 from the official website and read the full list of changes in the official notes.

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