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Outlook Mail and Calendar, ready holographic versions Hololens

Microsoft announces the versions Outlook Mail and Calendar optimized for Hololens. Only a small audience of developers possess the AR viewer can use them, but the new app help to perceive the potential of augmented reality viewers based on Holographic platform of Redmond.

Still knows very little of the consumer version of Hololens, but the viewer Augmented Reality developed by the Redmond, a little as with all the products that introduce more or less relevant innovations, continues to generate interest not only among the public of insiders. One of the questions on Hololens concerns not only when, but also what, in concrete terms, you can make using holographic technology. Much will depend on the interest shown by developers called upon to develop content for the mixed reality Microsoft platform.

The Redmond leads by example, by releasing versions of Outlook Mail and Calendar optimized for Windows Holographic Platform. Apps for managing email and appointments will no longer be confined to the PC monitors, tablets and smartphones, but will be projected into space. A solution which will have under-mail and calendar control, while the user can perform other tasks. A Windows 10 user who will not be in any way crowded out using holographic versions of Outlook Mail and Calendar, being of the same Universal Windows App available in the Windows Store in Windows 10. What changes relates to the changes introduced to ensure the proper functioning with viewer and in an augmented reality scene.

As it can be seen from the screenshots officers, the usual toolbar on the left edge of the app window, they add up the checks contained in the title bar, including commands to scroll content, to drag the window and enlarge it. Remember that the Hololens viewer does not require any external device to perform the app UWP, integrating CPU, GPU, RAM and storage memory. In essence, an integrated PC in the viewer and a monitor that becomes the surrounding environment thanks to the holographic lenses.

Microsoft points out that this is only the first release of Outlook Mail and Calendar to Hololens and many other innovations will come later, thanks to the feedback provided by the community of early adopters who has the opportunity to try the new app. At the time, the small group of developers in possession of the Development Edition viewer marketed at a price of $3,000.

In the future, the app Outlook Mail and Calendar to Hololens, which already can be downloaded from the Windows Store Hololens, can be installed on a larger number of devices. The same software platform – based on Windows 10 – can be used, so even from third parties to produce augmented reality viewers, and Virtual Reality.

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