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Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) available to download: The main novelties

Ubuntu 15.04

Canonical has released a new version of Ubuntu, specifically the 15.4 (Vivid Vervet). Here is a list of the main changes.

Canonical has released a few days ago the new version of Ubuntu, dubbed the 15.04 (Vivid Vervet). It is a stable version of the Linux distribution, but not a LTS (Long Term Support), which will not be supported for years by Canonical. Announcements of the rest are not very many, especially for the consumer audience, something which in some cases could make us prefer again to stay on the ” old ” Ubuntu 14.04 LTS.

Never change a winning team, then, according to the team that finished Canonical user experiences that have long satisfies less scafata Linux users. The main change is given by use of init system for booting the system: it is the software that manages the loading of modules and background processes, replacing the system designed just Upstart. Ubuntu follows actions taken by Debian, with version 8.0, has introduced the use of Systemd default.

It also updates the environment to the desktop used by default by the operating system. Ubuntu 15.04 now uses Unity 7.3, which introduces substantially code fixes and some (few) new plane graph, such as the ability to set always visible as the various buttons on the application menu (File, Edit, View, etc.). . The kernel of the new version is based on the Linux kernel 3.19 and is updated window manager Compiz.

Of course, Vivid Vervet integrates updated versions of the app native operating system, with the latest available for Firefox, Thunderbird, and Rhytmbox Totem, the latter totally magazine than in the past. Among the new features there is also a new default background and Make Ubuntu, which is a software that simplifies the process of installing a variety of tools used by developers, as editor, libraries and development kits.

Ubuntu 15.4 is not surprising then and continues to offer the typical experience of Ubuntu with a desktop that works without too many unnecessary frills. It must specify that, given the novelty not really essential. The transition to the new version is not essential. In addition, Ubuntu 14.04 LTS will enjoy the official support a lot longer, where the new 15.04 stop just nine months from now.

For more impulsive, who want to try the latest innovations in home Canonical, downloading Ubuntu 15.04 (Vivid Vervet) can be launched starting from this address, while users of the current version 14.10 will be notified of the availability of the upgrade. Who uses Ubuntu 4.14 LTS and want to switch to 15.04 will enable the manual download versions of non-LTS.

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