Wisely Guide

Ubuntu 16.10 Yakkety Yak at the end of life: Ceased support

It’s time to upgrade for those who still use Ubuntu 16.10 also known as Yakkety Yak. The release was released last October and, like all versions of short-term support distribution, after 9 months ending its life cycle. Who is on Yakkety Yak is invited to upgrade to Ubuntu 17.04, which will be supported until the end of 2018.

As with end-of-life deployments (EOLs), Ubuntu 16.10 will no longer receive updates, critical security patches, and generic update packages. For those who do not intend to update frequently or who uses the system on machines where it is impossible to perform regular maintenance every six to nine months, it is advisable to use long-term releases.

By the time we write the latest version of Canonical Linux distribution with long-term support is Ubuntu 16.04, which will continue to receive updates of any kind until the spring of 2021. Meanwhile, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS will be released in April 2018, releasing will be officially supported by April 2013.

Ubuntu 16.10 does not introduce, as of 16.04, great news. Among these, we can find a preview session of Unity 8, and an updated version of the Nautilus file manager. The release will receive support from third-party developers, and will continue to run properly even after the disconnected support.

But it’s not a practice to recommend, as those who continue to use Ubuntu 16.10 will be exposed forever in the new security flaws that will be discovered in the next few years unless you want to hope for third-party support. The EOL was last Thursday, July 20, with the status of support that can be verified on Ubuntu with the ubuntu-support-status command on the terminal.

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