Wisely Guide

VLC with version 3.0 arrive HDR, 360 video and support for Chromecast

VLC Media Player

VLC, the hugely popular open-source and cross-platform video player, comes to version 3.0 and is enhanced with new features, including support for HDR (10-bit and 12-bit) and 360-degree video. New features include support for streaming Chromecast, 3D audio, audio passthrough for high-definition audio codecs and navigation of NAS drives. Also introduced a series of new video codecs.

The VLC application is available for Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android and Windows Phone, freely downloadable from this page. The Linux version is not publicly available but can be retrieved on request, always starting from the same page.

Version 3.0 is the first of the so-called ” branch Vetinari ” whose development has been working since June 2016. VLC was initially founded as an academic project in 1996 and since then has become one of the best supported video players available on many platforms. Now the development is managed by VideoLAN, a nonprofit organization located in France, but several volunteer collaborators from around the globe work on the project.

The development of version 3.0 took a long time because the team behind VLC had to perform a reverse-engineering process to be able to realize the open-source component to support Chromecast. The closed-source version of Google cannot be used for legal reasons and is also not compatible with Mac, Linux and Windows. The new version of BLC makes it possible to stream any ” digested ” file from VLC on a Chromecast device.

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