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Windows 10, New TruePlay anti-cheat system

Windows 10 - Platform

Microsoft has talked a lot about the newly released Windows 10 Fall Creators Update and the many innovations it introduces, but it has remained quite silent about TruePlay, although it seems to be a powerful tool and a valid alternative to the famous Valve Anti-Cheat ( VAC), which is based on most of the multiplayer games that reside on Steam.

” A game that supports TruePlay runs within a secure process that faces a class of common attacks, ” reads the Windows Dev Center. ” In addition, a Windows service will monitor game sessions to identify behaviors related to cheating scenarios. This data will be collected, and warnings will be generated when cheating behavior seems to occur. To guarantee and protect customers’ privacy, and to avoid false positives, these data are only shared with the developers “.

The last step is very important for issues related to privacy: no data collected by the anti-cheating service will be used in a non-transparent way, and all this information will be forwarded only to developers so that they can take the necessary countermeasures to ensure the most loyal multiplayer gaming environment possible. Furthermore, data is only forwarded if ” cheating is likely to occur “.

If these assurances are not enough, users can still disable TruePlay. This is not a mandatory activation to launch the game, although obviously under these conditions you will not be able to access those game servers that have as an obligatory requirement the anti-cheating system. Developers can enable TruePlay only on selected parts of the games, which will allow access to all the rest even to those players who will disable the tool.

Unlike VAC, TruePlay will only work with games based on the Universal Windows Platform (UWP). It is the umpteenth effort by Microsoft to enhance the game on PC, while not giving up its ” closed system ” setting that more than a few hassle has given players in the recent period.

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