Wisely Guide

The worst password of the year 2017

SplashData like every year, for some time, draws the ranking of the worst passwords used by users around the Web. A ranking that ” always gives ” some smile for the banality of the words chosen but also some hint on the need to choose the password with reason to better defend your account or your personal data from prying eyes.

The ranking is carried out by SplashData following the indications of how many times a given word, entered as a password, appears in the databases of data stolen by hackers during the year. Following the ranking, which you can find directly at this address, it seems that the imagination of the users stops in words or succession of letters very trivial.

In fact, in the first place of the ranking, you place the password ” 123456 ” followed by ” password “. In third place in the ranking, here comes the prolonged succession of the first password or ” 12345678 “.

For the rest, the situation does not improve much with the move forward in the ranking with really simple password like ” qwerty ” but also ” iloveyou “, ” admin ” but also ” welcome ” not to mention ” computer ” or even ” starwars ” in honor of one of the most famous sagas in the world.

Hackers are using common terms of culture and sport to sneak into online accounts knowing that many users use words that are easy to remember but also just as unsafe, ” explains Morgan Slain, CEO of SplashData.

The latest generations of web browsers, but also the services in which such passwords are requested, thankfully, require much more complicated words to which usually must be associated at least a certain minimum number of letters (upper and lower case), numbers and special characters.

Just SplashData advises users to change their passwords periodically and to always use non-common words, even if difficult to remember in the first accesses. The goal of publishing the ranking of the worst passwords of the year is clearly to stimulate users to change their customs in this regard to be able to achieve greater security in the storage of their sensitive data.

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