10 products that Amazon will never sell

The Alltime10s YouTube channel released a list of 10 products that were categorically banned on Amazon. We report the page.

Amazon has become recognized in recent years for its versatility and quality of the service. You can find everything, starting from the last technology gadgets for the niche market, until you get to consumable products used in the kitchen. But there are things that you will never find on the portal of e-commerce, because the company refuses to sell it in violation of its own rules, or because illegal or simply lack of good sense.

A list of 10 objects that you will never find for sale on Amazon and that the portal has refused to market over the years has been drawn from the YouTube channel Alltime10s. Here it is below:

  • RapeLay : configurator game as a ” sexual assault simulator. “
  • A t-shirt ” I Love Hitler “ as the title, enough explanatory.
  • The Pedophile’s Guide to Love and Pleasure : this does not require a description through.
  • Costume ” Lady Boy “ : This is a costume for Halloween thought, addressed to those people who want to dress up as a transsexual. It is obvious that the transgender community and anyone with a minimum of critical sense does not have frowned able (even given the explicit some details), and Amazon has blocked sales.
  • WikiLeaks : the full account of the secrets of governments will not take place on the Amazon store.
  • Whale meat : in the past, there have been cases where it was possible to find meat of species protected on the service. But this will not happen again.
  • iPhone Case-shaped gun : even though it is not a dangerous product, there have been security problems in the past because of the unconventional shape.
  • Pants of the Hindu god : have been sued in the past by religious communities because disrespectful towards them.
  • Buckyball : these magnetic balls, apparently little dangerous toys were it not for the fact that thousands of babies taken to hospital to Montezuma.
  • Cure for Cancer : Amazon fortune opposed to cases of scam in which phantom health-conscious organizations promised the cure for various life-threatening diseases.

It is noted that the list was compiled for the American version of Amazon, but clearly many of these rules are observed by the local versions of the e-commerce portal.

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