3 Browser for Anonymous Browser, but protect our privacy

Everything that we write and do on the Internet is public. Or better, we can also try to protect our privacy, but for those who have the desire, or need, it is not hard to get our own business.

Not just talking about the NSA, and its policies rather ambiguous, but also Facebook with his experiments in social psychology, or Google with its intrusiveness in the mail and all the navigation.

It is not easy to defend against these intrusions, and there is no method completely anonymous. It can make it much more difficult to draw their online activities by resorting to some stratagems, such as for example the use of a browser designed to make an anonymous, as far as possible, the navigation.

The Tor Browser

torTor is the most secure way to surf anonymously. It was created by the United States Naval Research Laboratory and is also used by the American Navy. It is built to encrypt multiple times each communication in the network, and to make any signal to follow a different path to losing the traces of origin and destination of each operation performed in the network. It is considered the safest method, and is used for network communication in extreme situations, such as in the case of revolts against dictatorships or oppressive regimes. The United States itself encourage the use of Tor for the defense of democracy and freedom.

Here, the browser-based Tor is great. It’s true and it works. Because it is still a project based largely on a U.S. government plane, which then are the same as the NSA. So yes, if you are in China or Russia maybe we can also safely entrust to Tor, remembering that rumors quite insistent on a backdoor that allows Americans to intercept communications made with the Tor Browser. Free download from here. ( Supported Windows, Mac OS X and Linux)

The Pirate Browser

pirateAlways linked to Tor but disconnected from the hands of the USA government is the browser built by The Pirate Bay. At the beginning, he was born by a modified version of Firefox as a means to overcome censorship. In Italy, but not limited to, The Pirate Bay is not usable. Yes, it is true, that site used to download movies, books, games and programs breaking the rules of copyright. And censorship in this sense has its reason. But this is not the center of the discourse. The thing to note is how quickly this browser, which initially arose only as a ploy to navigate in a single site, has become one of the safest means to surf anonymously and pushing the limits of censorship. And not just for sites of pirates but also for information and international news.

One of the interesting things is that you can change your browser settings in function of each site you visit. You can block our tracking in full for a site, while another that we consider reliable, you can allow the execution of JavaScript or the use of cookies. Free download from here. ( Supported Windows Only)

The Epic Browser

epic-browserFinally, there is Epic, browser based on Chrome instead of Firefox as on the background. And less secure than The Pirate Browser is suitable for normal use after all, without dictatorships or censorship, particularly fierce. Epic Browser allows you to surf anonymously and to avoid leaving traces of their research in the history of the various search engines, for example, Google or Yahoo. A useful feature is the ability to automatically change the IP address and the source of navigation according to the site that you are accessing. In this way, it is possible to use services available only in some countries, such as Netflix, no problem. Free download from here. ( Supported Windows, Mac OS X )

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