Facebook and Instagram: here’s how to monitor how much time we spend on apps

The two social networks have decided to allow users to understand how much time they actually spend browsing on them. The two apps will have a special section, and you can also set limitations. Here are the pictures.

The time has come to monitor how much we spend on social networks. Facebook and Instagram will soon introduce a new section that will guarantee profile owners to actually see how much time we spend on these two social networks. So who has so far ” given ” the opportunity to socialize with our friends over and over seek now to limit the connection time making us back a little ‘less digital and more real.

The sections that users will soon see introduced in their Facebook and Instagram applications have been developed in collaboration with experts in the field as well as academics in the field of mental health as well as suggestions received from users. The goal of this function is to promote a healthier use of social networks, which if too prolonged can be harmful, especially in the younger ones. Thanks to these tools, the user acquires awareness of the amount of time spent online, and can assess whether it is necessary to limit it.

How will the new sections be used?

The user can monitor in a simple and immediate way the time spent on the two social networks thanks to the presence of graphs and numerical data. Not only because, thanks to the tools present in the settings of the two applications, it will also be possible to limit a use by a daily reminder that will issue an alert when the user has exceeded a pre-set time dedicated to the use of the app itself.

In this case, it will be possible to modify the reminder at any time, and you can also act on the notification settings by modifying the access and thus deactivating them completely for a certain period in which maybe you do not need to be disturbed by them.

To access the new sections that will allow you to monitor the time spent on Facebook and Instagram you will have to go to the Settings of both applications and specifically on Facebook the entry will be outlined as ” Your time on Facebook ” while on Instragam you will find the ” Your business ” heading.

Once you enter the two sections you will have a top where you can monitor how much time we spend on Facebook and Instagram on average, while clicking on the single column you can see the time of use of a given day. The functions below will allow you to set a usage time limit and disable notifications for a period of time, both options that can be disabled at any time.

In short, an important position taken by Mark Zuckerberg for its users. A position that wants to reduce social network dependency has become an increasingly real problem in today’s society. Many are the users who can no longer detach themselves from their smartphone and their applications ” catch like “. The inclusion of these new features could make users more aware of the time ” lost ” or employed, if you prefer, on these social networks. Or at least hopefully.

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