How to manage your Privacy on Facebook

Even within the mechanical properties of a social network, where you tend to want to share any information on your account, there may be room for privacy.

For example, you may want to hide certain information and activities to strangers, or you might want to limit the visibility of certain posts only to certain categories of users. For this reason, Facebook has an entire panel in which to choose the level of privacy for many of the activities permitted. Here’s how to manage your privacy on Facebook.

After you have logged on the popular social network, you will need to get to the setting’s panel. With the new graphics recently introduced by Facebook, you can reach it by clicking on the small triangle located on the blue bar, specifically in the upper right.

Who can see my stuff?

At this point, you can click on the item Privacy Policy, located in the menu on the left. From this panel, you can manage a large number of settings related to the degree the visibility of your posts and your profile. First of all, is it possible to limit the visibility of all your future posts. Clicking on the Edit button next to the phrase. Who can see my stuff? You can restrict the viewing of their posts in different ways.

Setting the selection Publish, their thoughts and messages will be shared with everyone, not just with friends and unknown users registered to Facebook, but also people outside of Facebook. This option is not recommended, unless you have need for absolute visibility, perhaps for reason’s links. Another option is the one that allows you to limit the visibility of their place only to friends.

In this case, only your Facebook friends can see your posts. This is the recommended option that best embodies the philosophy of Facebook. Last default option is only I, which allows you to maximally restrict the visibility of their posts. In the latter case, they will not be accessible to anyone. The latter option, in reality, it makes little sense: join Facebook, post comments and thoughts, so they will not read anyone is a bit contradiction. Still, in addition to these three default options, you can customize the visibility of their posts, by limiting it to only a few groups of friends and Facebook users.

It important to remember that the settings listed above will only affect future posts, and the posts written in the period before the changes are not any change and will continue to follow the rules of visibility set at the time.

Limit your past posts.

If the operations of privacy described above apply only to the future, it is also possible to intervene in part on past posts, changing the visibility with a single click. Clicking on the option restrict the past post, the contents previously shared with friends of friends or public users, will become visible only to existing friends. In addition, with this instrument, even people tagged and their friends will be able to continue to see past posts.

General log of its activities.

Of particular importance is also the Register of Its business, always accessible from the main screen and Privacy Policy through which you can see pretty much all of its activities, in chronological order from the first access to Facebook.

This panel is particularly important to see your post, the post in which you have been tagged. I liked the cast, comments, your own photos and, more generally, any other activity you can think of on Facebook. In addition, the same panel allows in some cases to change the visibility of its activities, to hide them in your diary, or even erased.

Through this log, you can check each activity carried out on Facebook over the last few years, starting from its entry to the social network. Through the voice of your own posts, you can view all the posts written on their wall, but also those of their friends. As for the latter, you can just delete the post, without being able to change the visibility, the posts written on your wall. Apart from being deleted, they can also be modified, so as to be shown only to friends, anyone or make them public.

From the same panel, you can then see all the posts for which you have been tagged: the latter will be able to make them visible / invisible on your diary, remove the tag or signal so that even Facebook is removed. Exact same goes for photos, games, music, friends and for every Facebook activity. In short, it is a full-blown log, in which you can view all of your Facebook history and remedy, if any, to mistakes made in the past to show their activities to others.

Who can contact me?

Among the most important are those related to Facebook’s friend requests and messages. Through the panel who can contact me, always accessible from the privacy settings you can manage your contacts. On the option Who can send requests for Friendship?

All you want to set. In this way you will be able to receive friend requests from everyone, not just from friends of friends. This option, if set to All, does not jeopardize any personal information and are not leaving any unwanted users. You will need to accept a friend request before showing their information to the contact in question.

In any case, even if you prefer not to be disturbed by strangers would limit the reception only to friends of friends. Even in the latter case, the friend request will be accepted prior to the actual result. As regards the messages, you may prefer those of friends or assign the same degree of importance to the messages of the friends of friends.

Depending on the option chosen, the messages of the friends will be shown in the inbox, while those of friends of friends will end up in the posts, making it a bit more hidden and not in the first window. In the Other section in the messages, the messages will always appear to registered users of Facebook but who are not friends or friends of friends.

Who can find me?

The last window of the Privacy panel allows each user to be invisible or at least certain searches. From here, you can set limits to the people who can see your e-mail address or telephone number. In addition, you can also decide not to appear in search engines.

While the latter option may be harmless since even our profile resulting visible on search engines, personal information will always follow the rules described above, it is good to limit the visibility of your phone number and email address of your friends.

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