How to play mass effect

Mass Effect is a role-playing game (RPG) fiction set in a not too distant future, where mankind has been in contact with alien artifacts that have allowed it to travel and expand throughout the galaxy, coming into contact with different alien species. In the game, you take the parts of John Shepard, an Alliance Marine human who has the task to save the fate of the universe by defeating Saren, an ex-spectrum Council about to awaken an ancient evil forgotten: the Raiders.

  • First, the choice and character creation: you can follow the recommended choice from the game to experience the story as it was designed by the developers, or decide for themselves the name, background, history and character class. Being a role-playing game you can choose a class to be developed in the course of the game by leveling: is the choice of combat style and approach to the various situations that arise in the game. The main classes are three plus three more that are a way halved between two specifications: the Soldier approaches the enemy’s chest and with powerful weapons defends his companions, a fighting style from ” front line ” ; the Adept uses powerful special abilities, called biotic, to defeat his enemies; while the technician has at its disposal a pool of skills that reduce the capacity and effectiveness of enemy weapons and defenses.
  • The other three are the Vanguard, use a mixture of biotic powers with coriacità soldier; The Sentinel, halfway between the biotic and the technician; and Infiltrator, which uses the skills of the technician to take advantage with the strength of the soldier. The character is recommended for those who want to experience the story as program developers of the game, as well as advice for those who started playing Mass Effect, is that of a soldier John Shepard, the only survivor of his company from an attack enemy and become a war hero.
  • The gameplay is simple and intuitive: one is configured as a third-person shooter with elements of RPG. This means you have access to weapons with which to defeat their enemies and complete missions at the end of which are awarded experience points with which you level up, and you can learn new skills to juggle in the game.
  • Very often an aggressive approach towards the game is not recommended: there are many ways to finish a battle and diplomacy is a valid method as brute force: to convince an enemy that is not to your height or frighten him and force him to flee not only you will earn experience points, but will give you points respectively Exemplary and Renegade points that offer new options for dialogue and opportunities in the game.
  • You are not alone in the game, but it is part of a team. The members are to be recruited in the vastness of the galaxy, and also belonging to alien races. Even the companions are affected by the system of levels and experience points, and can be upgraded as the protagonist, even if they are not directly controlled by the player.
  • Get on good terms with the members of the team is recommended, as it will give you, useful information on missions or confer new missions to get even deeper into the world of this very complete game.
  • Finally the choices to make during the game. This is a very important point. Any dialogue or choice taken it triggers other chains,  giving a gaming experience more varied and sometimes astonishing. The choices to be taken not only affect the game itself, but on subsequent titles in the series (Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3): for example, a comrade who died in Mass Effect 1 will not be available in subsequent titles, as will some PNG that will help or will combat. So pay attention to the choices you make, because they are very important. That’s all there is to know about the game, try it and you’ll be really excited!

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