How to have shared folders between Windows and Linux with VirtualBox

After a virtual machine installed you would want to make sure that between the original machine and the virtual machine, you can exchange data and files.

To do this you can create shared folders, with a rather simple process, but it takes a few terminal commands that do lose a bit of time, but the result will surely be very welcome users. Turns out to be a bit more complicated when using two completely different operating systems like Windows and Linux in VirtualBox but with this guide will do everything step by step.

1.) As a first step to install a shared folder must insert it from the main screen of VirtualBox doing, ” Settings “, ” Shared Folders ” and adding a new folder that will be the one you will use for file sharing, to this, we give the name you prefer. Then we start the virtual machine and if they are not already installed, install the ” guest additions ” from the command present in the home.

2.) At this point, we open the terminal and place where we are going to put our shared folder with the ” cd ” command; we create a new folder by running the command, always terminal, ” mkdir foldername ” where, instead of foldername we have to write the name that interests us. To make it available to all users of the system must issue the following command: ” sudo chmod 777 folder name ” and when we are asked to insert the administrator password that does not necessarily will be present and if so, just give ” Enter. ”

3.) With the last step is mounted (as if it was an external drive) the folder of the original operating system, to do this we type ” sudo mount -t vboxsf original folder name / path destination folder / name of the destination folder. ” Once we have done ” Enter ” insert the administrator password, and when we enter into the exchange folder we can see and use the files that are inside of it and exchange files from one system to another without having to go into several USB sticks or CDs losing so little time and immediately getting what interests us. This process of course can be made for multiple folders and multiple operating systems as long as the the destination folder names do not match or you may have overwritten files or total loss.

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