X-Mini Max Portable Capsule Speaker – Review

Who among us has not wished for a smaller amplifier power but not impaired? Well, thanks to the collaboration of X-mini we tested for X-mini Max. Therefore, you do not get lost in conversation, and proceed with the review of these two fantastic portable speakers. The two amplifiers, with a very small diameter, are able to offer truly impressive performance. Already opening the package, we can see how the keyword is convenience.

Find besides the two amplifiers, a USB charger to two entries to allow charging of both speakers at the same time and their use through a computer, for example. We find a pouch for transport, which proves convenient to move our speakers for any occasion, from a picnic on the lawn in an adventure trip in the car. That’s it, but the best is yet to come.

It comes time to try pretty much of our amplifiers X-mini Max: connected to the computer via the USB cable and load them in the same way we can test its functionality. With the volume up and a good hip-hop track, our coffers are starting to jump, but proving a tight seal without splay or imperfections in the sound. First impression very good.

X-Mini Max
X-Mini Max

A few days pass, and we are outdoors on a lawn, and we decided to try them in this context, and here’s the surprise: the amplifiers can be connected to each other with the 3.5 jack. Even without the USB charging cable, therefore, we can use our speakers as a stereo. Then connecting the remaining jacks to the iPhone, and we play on, good second impression. The sound is great and does not leak.

X-Mini Max
X-Mini Max – Top

Last but not the least element in order of importance: the price. X-mini Max can be purchased directly from the store to the X-mini Max price about $49.99. Surely, a major expense, but for those looking for a durable and reliable, it is definitely worth to be addressed.

Very Good


  • Design
  • Features
  • Dimensions / Weight
  • Value of Money

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