Yandex also offers its web browser with the attractive interface

The internet giant Russian aims in the web browser market, with a new solution built on Chromium. Available in alpha to download for Windows and Mac. With captivating graphics based on the tab on the style of Opera, Yandex.Browser is the first burst of the Russian giant in the field of a web browser. Prevails in each screen a certain minimalism, essential feature in a computer product of recent times, while the tab of each page spreads are proposed on the bottom of the interface, and not on the top as is often found.

Yandex says this new approach in a post on the official blog: the pages are moved down because they are considered to be open applications in an operating system, and the bottom bar can be so reduced to those of Windows or Mac OS X that contain icons Preferred Applications. When you first start Yandex.Browser matter bookmarks from other browsers installed in the system, which will be shown in the ” Tableau “, or the home page.

Just the Tableau is the part that amazed us most during a first and brief analysis. The background image is beautifully animated and can be chosen from a number of presets, while on it will be offered all our favorites. Yandex.Browser takes its cue from the application of the class but adds something new that could, in turn, be taken over by the more famous giants.

From the point of view of the interface, Yandex.Browser is an example to follow. Everything is designed to take up as little space as possible on the screen, in a way even more effective than those made by Microsoft and Google with their Internet Explorer and Chrome. The title bar and the tab that are semi-transparent, and incorporate some of the most-used keys (like the one to return to previously visiting).

Clicking on the name of the page, at the top, you can also update its content. In the settings, we see some pre-installed extensions, including Screenshots which allows you to capture a web page in a PNG file, Comfortable video viewing, to darken the web page for a more comfortable. Turbo allows loading the individual web pages more quickly due to a compression algorithm.


The user can also add any compatible extension for Chrome and Opera. Yandex.Browser is actually very nice to see, and it proved a pleasant surprise: TNW even wrote that ” introduces some interesting ideas that show how a modern web browser should be aesthetically “. To download the alpha version (which of course only recommend for a quick test) just direct your browser to this page.


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