End support for Internet Explorer 8, 9 and 10: Microsoft off (finally) the plug

Come to an end the (hated) older versions of Internet Explorer, the web browser that in recent years has given few headaches too much for web designers and also to end users.

Microsoft reminded users of Internet Explorer that support of older versions will cease from next week. Perhaps among the most hated of the Millennium software, Internet Explorer 8, 9 and 10 will no longer receive updates of any kind from next January 12. It is highly recommended for those who still use these versions to upgrade to Internet Explorer 11 or Microsoft Edge.

Among the updates we speak, there are also the most important security, so those who decide not to upgrade and maintain one of the versions of Microsoft’s browser that we just mentioned will be exposed to serious security issues that will never be correct. The end of the support of IE 8, 9 and 10 is a duty on the part of Microsoft, who can then focus more on the more modern versions of the browser.

Internet Explorer 8 on Windows 7 - Source: Wikipedia
Internet Explorer 8 on Windows 7 – Source: Wikipedia

The move is part of a larger plan, with the ultimate goal of the company to encourage users to switch to new versions or even Edge, the proposal native Windows 10. Internet Explorer 8, 9 and 10 will receive a last update on January 12 that will include a notification ” End of Life ” in which prompt users to switch to newer versions and still officially supported by the company.

Microsoft will also offer assistance to companies with more than 500 employees to help them install the latest browser on any computer. Smaller companies will have to turn instead to a Microsoft Certified Partner, while home users will have to proceed on their own if they have turned off automatic updates on the operating system (and already potentially at risk).

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