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How to Install Windows Applications on Linux

Many computer addicts who left the known operating systems for a fee, from Microsoft and OS, for other open source programs, among which is Linux. One of the most commonly used Kerner distro Ubuntu Linux is that, despite being equipped…

Snappy Ubuntu: Linux platforms for IoT

It's called Snappy the draft Canonical dedicated to Internet platforms of Thinghs and turns to the world of makers, inventors and enthusiasts. At present there is an active beta program, but by April are expected important news. With…

How to Download Torrent on Linux

Before delving into the heart of this article, dispel a common place: the torrent are not evil. Although in the majority of cases are associated with using fraudulently to download movies, music or games, are often used for useful purposes.…

The Best Linux Distributions of 2014

From the technological, point of view represents a break in August, in the West, before the start of the fall season that leads to Christmas. So you can take advantage of this tranquility to decide whether it is worth changing a few…

The best free translators for Linux

Who has not ever having to rely on a good translator of languages? Both for the study, either for work or for entertainment purposes often you find yourself having to use translation programs. The network offers so many programs. It is…

How to report a bug on Ubuntu

Ubuntu is increasingly being used. Those who are fed up of fixed and operating systems customized just use it. Certainly, it is not intuitive to use, but is very light and does not use a lot of memory. Ubuntu is also open source and in…

Best Antivirus for Linux

Linux is universally known as a very secure system. It is widely believed that Linux is also free from virus, malware and spyware. Let's start with the disassemble this cliche. As Linux is a monolithic kernel-based system built on a…

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