LibreOffice 6.2 is available: the Ribbon style interface is now stable

LibreOffice 6.2 was launched by the Document Foundation with new features that include the introduction of the new Ribbon style interface, previously only available in experimental mode, and many small improvements.

LibreOffice 6.2 is the latest evolution of the well-known suite of personal productivity programs. The Document Foundation has released the new version that includes many changes, among which the arrival in the stable version of the new Ribbon style interfaces, better compatibility with HiDPI interfaces and PPT and PPTX files stand out.

Although the list of changes is noticeably long, the most important changes can be summarized briefly and include:

  • Arrival in the stable version of the tabbed interface, very similar to Microsoft Office Ribbon, on all major software (Writer, Calc, Impress and Draw).
  • Compact group bar available in stable version in Writer, Calc, Impress and Draw.
  • Experimental icons in SVG format to allow a better resizing of the icons and buttons present in the interface.
  • Native support for ” copying and pasting ” data from Calc spreadsheets to Writer tables.
  • Improvements in support for importing and exporting files in PPT and PPTX formats.

In the Linux world the main novelty is given by the disposal of the 32-bit version and the arrival of the Qt5 interface, compatible with KDE Plasma. LibreOffice will now be able to integrate more with Plasma, offering the widgets and dialogs that are native to the environment. macOS will only be supported in versions above 10.9, while LibreOffice 6.3 will require at least macOS 10.10.

LibreOffice 6.2 is already available via the official website.

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