Token Ring: a ring to unlock all of them

Basically, this is a ring with a fingerprint sensor in the inside, which is active when it is plugged in and deactivated when removed, comparable to an evolved badge offers a variety of usability options: unlock the metro turnstile, Open your home or car locks, log on to your computer, and make payments.

Token presents its first absolute product: it is called Token Ring and is a curious wearable device to facilitate the identification, access and payment procedures that we may even take several times a day.

Basically, it is a ring with a fingerprint sensor in the inside, which is active when it is locked and deactivated when it is removed; Comparable to an evolved badge offers many possibilities of use: unlock the underpass, open your home or car locks, access your computer and make payments, all by gesture and contactless technology.

The ring can be interfaced virtually with any Bluetooth device and NFC, of ​​course, given the limited diffusion of the accessory, the systems that can be controlled today are few, but this technology, and especially the original idea, certainly has a great Future ahead of you.

For the time being, Token has focused on consolidating its position with the contactless services offered by MasterCard, Microsoft and Visa, the first name to begin with, the Token Ring is now perfectly usable with the systems of these manufacturers.

As for the technical part, the ring is available in six different sizes and includes a battery that can last up to 6 weeks. It is charged via inductive charge and can be programmed to operate also with a control gesture; For its use, there is no need to pair with a smartphone such as for Android Pay or Apple pays. It is completely independent, of course, after programming through the dedicated application, available for iOS and Android.

The ring costs $249 in the base version with the preorder and should be available by the end of December, including versions, including DoorLock and CarLock accessories, in order to control the car door and car door respectively, for which you get $345.

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