How to Change Windows Sound

The Windows Sound characterizes most of the actions that we do with our computers. Sometimes these sounds are monotonous, even for someone annoying.

If you want to change Windows sounds follow the guide: you can replace them with the ones you like. The process is very simple and takes only a few seconds. Among the choices are numerous and valuable pre-installed sound effects.

1.) Went to the Windows Start menu and then access the Control Panel. In the window that opens, click first on Sounds and Audio Devices tab and then Sounds. How to find the first entry combination, which allows you to choose a set of preset sounds. If you want, you can delete any Windows sound by selecting the appropriate command from the menu. This procedure is valid for all Windows systems. The only difference is the path to follow to get to the Control Panel. With Windows 8 you have to place the cursor on the right side of the desktop and the taskbar that appears select Control Panel, then Audio and then Sounds.

2.) The section to edit the individual sounds for each action is that of the Events. In this box, you can select your favorite sounds for each type of activity and action taken by the operating system. For example, select Starting Windows to change the startup sound system, Exit Windows to change the sound of the closing of the system. In the drop-down menu Sounds there are numerous music and sound files that you can try clicking the appropriate button. When you’re satisfied with the result, click Apply and then OK to save your changes. If you want to apply sound different, maybe they are not preset by Windows, simply click on Browse, locate the folder where you saved your files and select the ones you want to apply the selected action.

3.) If you want to extend your search field and have more effects available in the web you will find many choices. One of this is WavSource. In this site, there are numerous resource’s audio section to select is Various Stuff. Here you will find the category of sounds that you want to see. You must click the appropriate entry in the list located in the central part of the page. You can choose between a large number of animal sounds, music, events, or sounds of videogames. Once you have chosen the files that you like the most, save them in a special folder Music and select them with the Browse menu Sounds as indicated in step 2 ..

If you want to save the sound scheme you’ve created, click on the button ” Save ” located under the ” Combination “. So you can re-use the same combination whenever you like, without having to re-select each sound.

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