How to protect your folders with a password on Mac

You wish that the contents of folders in your computer are hidden from other people who may access it? There you value your privacy and want to keep it well within your beloved personal computer? Do not worry, this content is certainly for you! You can protect individual folders through special password, so that cannot be opened by unauthorized persons and unauthorized.

There are some programs downloadable from the Internet and dedicated to this type of operation but are not necessary. If you use your Mac, it does not necessarily allowed to download these programs. If you are interested in this topic, below you will be explained carefully, how to protect folders through a password on Mac. Let’s see how to proceed.

1.) Essentially to protect a folder and make it accessible, there are two methods. That faster, but less secure, it is to modify the permissions. The first thing to do is highlight the folder of interest, press ” Commmand + i ” to get information and at the bottom, under Ownership Permissions – Details, choose ” No Access “. In doing so, the folder is no longer accessible, and to open it, you will have to repeat the previous operation but in reverse.

2.) Let’s focus now on the second method, which is to protect folders with a password. This method is called method of the disk image. The first step to protect a folder with a password, is to launch ” Disk Utility “. Open ” Disk Utility “, you will need to go to ” Applications “, ” then Utilities ” and ” Disk Utility “. At this point, click on ” File “, ” New Image ” Disk Image from Folder. ”

3.) Once that is done, you will need to select the folder you need to protect and click ” Criptatura- bit AES “. Next, it will open a new folder where you can select and enter the desired password and click ” ok “. When finished, the computer will create a folder mate with the same name but with a different image. Do is to just delete the original folder and keep the previously encrypted, it will require to open the password you entered. If you follow these few simple tips, you will succeed to easily protect your folders with a password on the Mac!

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