How to make black and white with colored subjects with Photoshop

The Photoshop program, is the most versatile, and is used by professionals such as graphic designers, web designers and photographers. But to us laymen often have to approach this system in order to edit photographs or simple images. I have always been curious about how you could do black and white, but they had in them the colored subjects. So I applied and using our beloved Photoshop. I was able to find out how you have to do. In this guide, I’ll show you.

  • Let the photo that you want to modify and open with the image-editing program Photoshop. I used the version for Mac OS X, but of course also find versions for Windows. The differences are minimal, for example, in use of some keys such as Zoom application. After opening the picture we go in the top menu and select Picture Settings.
  • After doing this, we can see that the picture appears black and white. Now we need to select the objects that we want that they are colored. To do this, we seek the history brush button in the toolbar of selectable items that is on the left (unless you do not have changed position). Select the size of the cursor and move the cursor over the parts of the photo that you want to make colored again. To avoid losing details (what would be aesthetically very unpleasant), zoom in just enough to work with greater precision.
  • If you required to do one thing well done repeatedly checked on large, and if you fail to do not worry: you can use the good old command cancels ( CMD + Z ) if it were a Mec keyboard, if it was Windows key will Ctrl. Or you can go in the history panel and put the tick next to the item Desaturate, this way you can select the parts you do wrong and passes over the back in black and white, then clear the tick and continue.
  • Indeed, this system is very used to melt the vintage style with contemporary, but it is no longer entirely original. Usually, the colors used are the primary, then red, blue and yellow. The subjects that are highlighted through the people are dressed, flowers, eyes and makeup.

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