How to reset the SMC on Mac

Who owns a MAC, it can happen that I need to reset the SMC. However not everyone knows how to do in these cases. You can follow this simple guide which explains how to fix the problem in just a few steps.

We begin by explaining that the acronym SMC stands for System Management Controller. It is a controller that is present in every MAC and allows the computer, the correct power operation and some hardware components. If a MAC is used for many years or you have changed the battery, it is recommended to reset the SMC.

  • The signs by which you can see that it is necessary to reset the SMC are numerous: an example is the fans that run at excessive speeds despite the pc has no heavy applications that could make it overloaded. Or even the backlight of the monitor does not respond correctly to external light changes. Other factors that help you understand when to reset the SMC may be linked also to the battery fails to charge or to the computer quits unexpectedly or fails to light up when you press the power button.
  • You must first click Command + Option + Esc to delete any activity that is not responding. Now you have to put the MAC in a stop by clicking the Apple menu located at the top left corner in the menu bar and then select Stop. Continue reactivating the PC and restart it before pressing the Apple menu and chased Restart. Then you must turn off the MAC again from the Apple menu by clicking on Turn Off. In the case where after these steps, the system still does not respond, try with forced shutdown, which occurs for at least ten seconds by pressing the power button.
  • If you have a iMAC, Mac mini, Mac Pro and X-SERVE and want to reset the SMC, turn off your Mac, unplug the power supply and wait at least 15 seconds. Finally reconnect all cables, wait another 5 seconds and restart your MAC.
  • This sounds very complicated, but it really does not require much effort indeed most will go forward in the knowledge of these technological systems and the more you learn yourself to discover new methods of recovery of your computer. Always remember that your MAC must be subjected to frequent checks to avoid the risk of damage or breakages. Your computer will thank doubt!

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