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How to run .exe files on Ubuntu

When it comes to Ubuntu, we refer to that operating system, created in 2004 as an expansion of Linux and, which owes its name to the African philosophy, which sees the basis of his thought, sharing a universal benevolence among men, and…

How to install Ubuntu

Ubuntu is a Debian-based Linux distribution founded in 2004. The development of this operating system and distribution is handled by the company Canonical Ltd. Ubuntu is developed for a desktop environment. Directed guide for users who…

How to Install Windows Applications on Linux

Many computer addicts who left the known operating systems for a fee, from Microsoft and OS, for other open source programs, among which is Linux. One of the most commonly used Kerner distro Ubuntu Linux is that, despite being equipped…

Snappy Ubuntu: Linux platforms for IoT

It's called Snappy the draft Canonical dedicated to Internet platforms of Thinghs and turns to the world of makers, inventors and enthusiasts. At present there is an active beta program, but by April are expected important news. With…

How to report a bug on Ubuntu

Ubuntu is increasingly being used. Those who are fed up of fixed and operating systems customized just use it. Certainly, it is not intuitive to use, but is very light and does not use a lot of memory. Ubuntu is also open source and in…

Dell XPS 13 with Ubuntu Developer Edition

Dell XPS 13 Developer Edition pre-installed with Ubuntu 12.04 LTS is a client / cloud ideal for developers and those who love open-source software. Great Full HD display. Dell XPS 13 is one of the best proposals for Dell, as far as…

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